Emotional intelligence, also called EQ, is the ability to be aware of and to manage emotions and relationships. It’s a pivotal factor in personal and professional success. IQ will get you in the door, but it is your EQ, your ability to connect with others and manage the emotions of yourself and others, that will determine how successful you are in life. We have all worked with and listened to brilliant people. Some of them were great and… well, some were not so great. The mean and the meek and all those in between can teach us more than they realize. When we look at the truly extraordinary people who inspire and make a difference you will see that they do this by connecting with people at a personal and emotional level. What differentiated them was not their IQ but their EQ – their emotional intelligence. This one-day workshop will help you develop your emotional intelligence.

Topics to be covered include:

  • History of Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence defined
  • Optimism
  • Setting your personal vision
  • Validating Emotions in others
  • EI blueprint
  • Understanding Emotions

Target Audience


About The Facilitator

Lisa Morales is a business executive specializing in the area of Marketing and Strategic Business Development. She has over 20 years of experience and a proven track record of building brands in the Caribbean region. Ms. Morales is a versatile business leader with a career spanning entrepreneurial pursuits to senior management roles in multinational, Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Service organizations.



